
Is your goal to be totally debt free? Today there is someone you owe who has declared your bill "paid."

In John 19:30 of God's Word, Jesus has been hanging on the cross for six hours. He is now breathing His last and it says, "When He had received the drink Jesus said, 'It is finished,' and with that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit." If you were to read that three word sentence in the original Greek, it's one word: tetelestai, which means "paid in full."

The Bible describes the reason why we have such a massive debt with God. It says, "The wages of sin is death." The Bible also says "All have sinned and fallen short of God's Glory" Romans 2:23. Sin is more than just breaking religious rules; it's living your way instead of God's way. So, you have this overwhelming sin bill with God, and the penalty is death - separation forever from God. Religion doesn't come close to covering it, and it's a bill none of us can pay.

The verse also has some very good news. It says, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" Romans 6:23. The one we owe "paid" our bill with His life. When Jesus was hanging on the cross, He was absorbing every sin and its penalty. Jesus declared that His death was full payment for your sins.

Eternal life is described by God as a gift, and the gift isn't yours until you take it. If there has never been a time when you've told Jesus that you're putting you're total trust in Him to forgive your sin and get you to heaven, then your deadly sin bill remains on your record. That could change in these next few moments if you would tell Jesus you want Him to be your Savior.

There's a little song that says it all: "He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay, I needed someone to wash my sins away, and now I sing that brand new song, amazing grace all day long, for Jesus paid a debt that I could never pay." He's waiting to hear from you and to stamp your bill forever - "paid in full!"



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