The Story of a breakthrough
"I had an unscheduled broken heart for Native America." After a lifetime of nationally recognized, cross-cultural youth ministry, in early 1992, Ron Hutchcraft was invited to the Navajo reservation for a series of speaking events. Ron was exposed to a youth ministry need he previously knew little about.
Through a series of events, meetings and conversations with both missionaries and many Native people, God broke Ron’s heart for Native young people. He said, “After a lifetime in cross-cultural youth ministry, these are the first young people I’ve ever met who have no dreams.”
Ron recalls, “I had an unscheduled broken heart.”
Ron made a commitment to return. In the summer of 1992, a ministry to reach and disciple Native American young people was born.
Ron recognized the need to equip young Native Americans to be the primary messengers to their people.
The decision was made to make evangelism and discipleship of young Native Americans a significant part of the mission and focus of Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc.
Ron, his wife Karen, their sons Doug and Brad, and their daughter Lisa, all played strategic roles in these early formative years of the ministry.


Ron Hutchcraft begins weekly youth outreach in Chicago as a student at Moody Bible Institute. Ron and Karen Hutchcraft graduate, marry, begin full-time cross-cultural youth ministry with Chicagoland Youth for Christ, then move to northern New Jersey to begin Metro NY / NJ Youth for Christ.

Ron speaks at an ethnically diverse youth conference, which includes a group of Mescalero Native young people, planting a seed for reaching Native youth.

While in college, Doug Hutchcraft spends his summer sharing music on Native reservations.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. is born with three staff, based in the Hutchcrafts’ basement.

(Spring) – Ron Hutchcraft is invited to the Navajo Reservation in Window Rock, Arizona, where he shares the Gospel at a youth event, and meets with missionaries and Native leaders.

(Summer) Ron and Karen, and their sons Doug and Brad, go to the Navajo Reservation to facilitate the first "Make a Difference Camp" and "Make a Difference Teams" of Native young people.
A call is born in Ron's heart.

The “Make A Difference” Teams travel to reservations in the Northwest. Daughter Lisa Hutchcraft Whitmer, and her husband Rick, join the team. A local Native youth outreach is organized under founder and President, Doug Hutchcraft.

Major youth outreach at the North American Indigenous Games in Minneapolis

Brad Hutchcraft joins his brother as Field Director. M.A.D. Teams become known as On Eagles’ Wings. Scholarships become available for Native youth to attend Bible school. RHM Internet Outreach begins, which later includes OnEaglesWings.com.

"M.A.D Camp" becomes known as Warrior Leadership Summit. Locations include: Wyoming, Alaksa, Arizona, Nebraska, Minnesota, Missouri and Illinois. First OEW outreach in Canada.

On Eagles' Wings visits
Indigenous Alaska

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries brings to the RHM team Native youth ministry pioneers Doug (Anna) and Brad (Sara) Hutchcraft.

First ever “Winter Break Retreat” in Arizona, which becomes an annual gathering of OEW team members for deeper discipleship and leadership equipping.

On Eagles' Wings mobilizes international indigenous outreach to Peru.

Brad Hutchcraft becomes Director of On Eagles’ Wings.

Doug Hutchcraft becomes Executive Director of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc.

Nick (Jicarilla Apache) and Lani (Hopi/Seneca) join the staff of On Eagles’ Wings.

On Eagles' Wings Leadership Center!

“Warrior Worship” begins with its first CD.

Due to the global pandemic, Warrior Leadership Summit is virtual this year, with the largest audience ever.