Since 1992, On Eagles' Wings has been bringing hope to Native America.
On Eagles' Wings seeks to empower young people to share the hope they've found in Jesus with their own people and equipping them to make a difference in their communities.
See what God is doing through this exciting ministry, and how you can help bring HOPE to Native America!
They were the First People on this continent. But they have lost so much. Discover "the forgotten people."
our story
"I had an unscheduled broken heart for Native America." See the timeline of equipping young Native Americans to share Jesus with their people.
our story
"I had an unscheduled broken heart for Native America." See the timeline of equipping young Native Americans to share Jesus with their people.
Explore "Summer of Hope," "Warrior Leadership Summit," and more... Bringing hope to Native America.
Leadership center
This launchpad for Indigenous Leaders will equip Native young people to be messengers of hope.
Leadership center
This launchpad for Indigenous Leaders will equip Native young people to be messengers of hope.
get involved
Find out how you can join the movement, and help bring hope to Native America!
Get the latest updates and news of God at work in Native America, and the new Leadership Center!
Get the latest updates and news of God at work in Native America, and the new Leadership Center!