
Doug and Brad were boys when their dad would challenge them as they walked out the door to school: "Go M.A.D. today!" They may have gotten a funny look or two from the neighbors, but this brother duo knew what dad meant: Go M.A.D. meant "go make a difference!"

The podcast Go M.A.D. with Doug and Brad helps believers know how to do just that - to go make a difference by being Christ's ambassador in every area of your life, from work to school to family and beyond.

For over 35 years, God has used A Word With You® (AWWY) to encourage, challenge and rescue people for Jesus Christ in English.

"Thank you for this word. This is a wonderful reminder that we are in the midst of a spiritual battle but we have the victory thru Christ." - USA listener

Currently there are six languages AWWY is heard in, through our partnership with Trans World Radio (TWR) - Mandarin, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Russian, and English.

Rescue Magazine sat down with Dave and Karen Bosi, to ask about their Hope Story. They were eager to share and we hope you are encouraged by their story.

Rescue Magazine: Can you tell us a little about your history? What was life like growing up? How were you before you met Christ?

Young Billy Graham wanted to be a baseball player. Instead, he became a messenger of Jesus' love. And he never took his eye off the ball.

Whatever the headlines, whatever the politics, whomever the audience, Billy Graham was unwaveringly about one thing - Jesus and His Cross. No detours. No baggage. No "religion." Just Jesus.

Not just the Jesus he preached. But the Jesus he lived.

Rescue by Radio Global Partnership, Trans World Radio and ron h

by Rick Whitmer

A Chinese mom and dad had a baby girl they could not keep.

If caught, the Chinese government would impose harsh penalties for violating their one-child policy. So the parents did the only thing they knew to do: leave the baby on a very public street, and hope for the best.

By Ron Hutchcraft

Tricia had decided to die.

Living in constant fear of her violent father, believing his constant yelling that she was worthless. Eventually bleeding out her pain through cutting wasn't enough.

By Brad Hutchcraft

“…and then someone invited me to this conference called WLS…”

I’ve heard it again and again as the young warriors of On Eagles’ Wings® share their Hope Stories on reservation basketball courts.

Editor’s note: This is Tyona’s story in her words, as shared from a reservation basketball court, during the On Eagles’ Wings® Summer of Hope.

Hi, my name is Ty. I’m going to tell you a little bit about myself. 

I grew up in a Christian home with both my mom and dad. But with that, I was still feeling lost, confused and scared.

My dad was an alcoholic and abusive father. It was really hard, because my siblings and I all experienced that abuse.

Sharing Jesus with lost people you know

Lisa “thinks lost.”

Lisa is constantly aware of people in her world who are spiritually lost, who have yet to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As a wife and mom of three teenagers, Lisa lives her life to sacrificially love others, and share the hope of Jesus in a way that is creative, winsome, and compelling.

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