
For over 35 years, God has used A Word With You® (AWWY) to encourage, challenge and rescue people for Jesus Christ in English.

"Thank you for this word. This is a wonderful reminder that we are in the midst of a spiritual battle but we have the victory thru Christ." - USA listener

Currently there are six languages AWWY is heard in, through our partnership with Trans World Radio (TWR) - Mandarin, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Russian, and English.

One language production team says, "The 5 minute radio program of Ron Hutchcraft... speaks not only to the Christians who are living a 'lukewarm' spiritual life but also those who are from a [different religious] background... and know nothing about Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and life and also do not know the Gospel."

We often hear that AWWY is impacting the translation and production teams in other countries as they work to make the program available in their heart language.

"You're helping in building me up! I look forward daily to listen to your broadcast as since I've came to know Jesus through TWR ministries and its wonderful programs, the broadcast has been helping me tremendously in building me up spiritually. I would have been not stood firm in my faith if not for your programs!" (Morocco listener)

With radio heading in a digital direction, A Word With You is being streamed daily on TWR's 24/7 radio internet, that can be accessed through both the website and mobile app.

The AWWY daily program is also being uploaded on their Podcasting platform, so this feature may live in an online archive for years, always accessible to the general public.

"I came to Christ through TWR programs. I would like to thank you for sending me Word with You daily devotional program, as I am appreciating the online fellowship because in my country there is no churches, at least churches I know about... I'm encouraged to know that you are my church." (Tunisia listener)

A Word With You is an inspiring and encouraging program to listeners. Even the follow-up team within TWR uses the program as a daily encouraging devotional to those who are new believers and living in countries closed to the Gospel, sending it via WhatsApp.

"The word for you is one of my favorite podcasts. You can always dive into the depths of God's Word - it helps to reflect and grow spiritually." (Russia listener)

You have been a major part of sharing hope across the world.

You can listen to all AWWY languages, Mandarin, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Russian, and English on or download the TWR360 app to your mobile device.



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
(877) 741-1200 (toll-free)
(870) 741-3400 (fax)


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