"Maybe you would say today: 'I want to make a far greater difference with the rest of my life than I have made until now.' Do you feel that way? Are you thinking about the legacy you will leave behind and your impact on the lives of others?"

This is an easy read and will help you achieve a Make a Difference Life!

Ron's practical insights will help you not just survive, but thrive as you seek to follow Jesus, and make a difference for Him.

"The world is in greater turmoil than at any time in my lifetime."

This quote from a recent political leader sums up what many are feeling. No matter where you live in the world, you're feeling the uncertainty and chaos that surrounds us. There's a lot that's broken. And problems so complex that every solution seems to create another problem.

In this context, Ron Hutchcraft has a message for today. While storms may be raging in the world, and in your life, Ron provides the anchors for a certain hope.

Dear friend, thank you for caring about a generation of young people!

If your heart aches for millions of teenagers who need Jesus, we would like to offer to you the free downloadable PDF, "12 Sentences That Define A Generation." This will help you understand today’s young people, so we can better reach them for Jesus!

Together, we can win this battle for a generation!

Introducing a new e-book by Ron Hutchcraft: "Authentic Relationships for Women."

Relationships - this is where we have our highest hopes and where we experience our greatest fears as well as our greatest pain. There has never been more confusion than there is today in the area of what love means and what relationships are all about.

Do you feel pressed on, pulled on, pushed on, compressed, or twisted? That's what stress does to us. It twists our personality and our judgment. We don't always make the best judgment calls when we're stressed and weary.

In "Peaceful Living in a Stressful World" by Ron Hutchcraft, you'll find a two-part strategy for replacing stress with peace. If you are going through a violent storm right now that maybe few people know about, your storm can begin to be calm today. Reach for peace!

How to Have Relationships Without Regrets and Success Without Scars

The word "single" means so many different things these days. Some people are single, some are single again, and some are single parents. Some are a blend of those. The relationship zone of our life is where we place our greatest hopes, it's where we have our greatest fears, it's where we've had our greatest pain, and it's where we've made our greatest mistakes.

"Your Personal Titanic," by Ron Hutchcraft, is a free downloadable PDF. This short, printable booklet shares a powerful parable from the sinking of the famous Titanic ship. In these short few pages, you will discover:

  • Why so many believers today are like the survivors of the Titanic.
  • How to see the "dyingness" of the people around you.
  • The shocking words the Bible uses to describe a lost person you care about.
  • The most important Title you will ever have!
    ...and more!


You'll learn how to...

  • Avoid the moral pitfalls of summer! (Defense)
  • Take positive steps to make a difference! (Offense)

These principles are for all ages.

Do you have a heart for kids? Jesus does! Think about some of the children that you drive by or are around all the time -- those in your neighborhood, at the schools, playing out in the street, or in the park. The Father in heaven is not willing that any of those little ones should be lost -- and He wants you to be a part of His rescue plan!


Extreme Manhood coverWhen we see Superman on TV and in the movies, he has it all together. The fact is, we're raised to be like Superman. We think we've got it under control, we can handle it, and we're in charge. The secret is, there's a lot of bleeding going on inside. There's a lot of us that are hurting and there's a lot of stuff for which we don't have answers.

What is it that really makes you a man? Our culture has a lot of ideas. Now, all of a sudden, relationships are more confusing and the expectations of men are more confusing than they've ever been.

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Harrison, AR 72602-0400

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