
Wildfire Nearby and The Final Battle

"It's just too dangerous. I'm not sure we're going to be able to do our closing night here."

Wildfire Nearby

The sun was orange, and the air heavy with acrid smoke from nearby wildfires. The air quality monitor had been in the highest-danger red zone since noon. We had waited as long as we could to make a decision.

"God is so amazing. I can't put it into words. He took me from almost killing myself to telling other young Natives about Him. I am overfilled with joy and appreciation for life."

Mindy (Arapaho), Silverton Reservation, July 2024

When I read Mindy's story, I had to stop and reach for Kleenex. It was awful. And beautiful. And life-giving for a lot of young people on the Silverton Reservation.

"Just when we think the ground is too hard, God surprises us."

"She had a lot of cuts on her arm - and one of them was fresh. I got a bandaid. She sounded really hopeless. She said, 'This is the reservation. Nothing good comes from here. Why do you come here?'"
OEW Team Warrior, July 2024, Iron Mountain reservation

That very hopelessness is why the On Eagles' Wings Hope Team was there.

"I wasn't sure anyone would come. It was amazing!"

The team's green On Eagles' Wings shirts say, "He rescued me." With the stirring strains of "Courageous!" - the Warrior Leadership Summit theme song - filling their hearts, they set out to rescue many others in Jesus' Name. Going to hope-starved Native young people who are where they once were.

God has nearly doubled the size of the team from last year - which means twice as many lost ones can have the opportunity to hear about Jesus face-to-face from someone like them. Their first mission: the Bandera* people who as Native people have said, have a centuries-old history of resisting one Gospel effort after another. A challenging first assignment for a team that is nearly half new.

God has been moving powerfully at the annual WLS Native youth evangelism and discipleship conference hosted by Hutchcraft Ministries.

For many, WLS is a place where Native youth understand the Gospel for the first time, and choose to begin a personal relationship with Jesus.

There are many Native speakers throughout the week, but Gospel night is led by On Eagles' Wings co-founder, Ron Hutchcraft. Ron says, "This is the night that I get to do what I'm on earth to do - which is to share the good news of Jesus."


"These past few reservations I could feel God breaking my heart for young teens and adults. I can only imagine what Jesus must feel."
Megan (Navajo), OEW team member

"I have seen God bigger than ever before."
Mark (Cayuga, Mohawk), first year OEW warrior

This summer was all about hearts. Including mine. None of us who were eyewitnesses to God's work this summer will ever be the same. My hope is that, as you read this final report, you'll be able to feel some of the heart of what you prayed for and gave for. First, here's a quick overview of the ministry of this team...

The Breakthroughs Continue

On Eagles' Wings brought Missy back home - to a place that nearly destroyed her and her family.

Fear is a way of life at Silver Creek. It's one of this country's poorest reservations. And most violent. The gangs are nationally notorious. The grudges and vendettas are repeatedly avenged. People are slow to open their door.

Summer of Hope 2023 Front-Lines Report - The Fourth Reservation

"We don't want your Jesus around here."

The Kenati people are some of the most religious people I've met in this country. But the quote above pretty much sums up their attitude toward Jesus.



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
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