
A lot of kidding around, some exciting disagreements, some hugs, some advice, some conflict, but a lot of loyalty - that's what a brother-sister relationship is all about. No one had better do his sister wrong. He is always her personal "look-out-forer." If you're a sister, it's nice to have a brother like that.

Silent GuysBarber shops are really "Guy's World" because you don't usually see many females and you won't find much talking. If you ask most women, part of the problem in relationships is this guy thing called "not much talking," or at least not much talking about what's really going on inside. Guys will talk about work, sports, cars, and other "stuff," but too many men just don't talk much about what they're feeling, what they need, what's hurting, what they're hoping for, or what's wrong.

Half of the human race has been raised to believe that they need to be Superman. The world thinks guys have it together, we feel no pain, and we've got it under control. As a man, you know there's a "real you" behind the mask.

You're a wounded warrior, bleeding a lot on the inside, or maybe a scared little boy inside underneath a mask of macho confidence. The truth is you don't have it all under control. Superman, in reality, is breakable.



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
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