
The world is watching the Olympics. I'm trying to watch when I'm able. The Olympics are pretty engaging. I'm not sure how some of these athletes get their bodies to do what they do. Jumping jacks are challenging for me. What intrigues me are the personal stories - they're what make this a human drama, not just a sports drama.

They're some of the wildest roller coasters in America - Goliath, Titan, Maverick, Millennium Force. Oh yeah - and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The American economy is taking us for one wild and unpredictable ride right now.

Okay, maybe it's because I'm thinking about the Super Bowl. Hey, I lived for 28 years in the New York area. I spoke for New York Giants' chapels. Can't I be forgiven for my mind wandering to the upcoming Super Bowl? Of course, I can't reveal who I'm rooting for.

Newsweek provides some interesting insight into Barack Obama's campaign for President. His surprising success has been attributable, in part, to organizing tactics he learned as a community organizer in Chicago years ago. In Iowa, his operatives established Obama clubs in local high schools to move voting age teenagers from apathy to involvement. His organizers "spent months recruiting barbers and hairdressers to preach the candidate's virtues to their customers."



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