
Only in America. A day named for the chubby cousin of a rat. A town whose main event is a groundhog playing peekaboo. As Russian comedian Yakov Smirnoff says, "I love dis country!"

We even have a movie called "Groundhog Day." It's actually set in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, the home of the king groundhog. But it was hearing about the premise of the movie, not the location, that intrigues me.

This growing unrest in Egypt could be a really big deal. They're the largest country in the Middle East...the guardians of the vital Suez Canal...a key to peace with Israel...and a moderate voice America has counted on for stability in that volatile region.

It still sickens me to see it. Those plumes of smoke over Cape Canaveral - the awful trail from what had been the Space Shuttle Challenger. Teacher Christa McAuliffe and six other crew members were gone before our eyes. Hard to believe it was 25 years ago. Hard to believe the memories and the feelings are still so vivid.

I suppose if treating victims with traumatic injuries is what you do every day, you're not easily moved emotionally by what you see. Unless it's something really above and beyond.

I'm so inspired by "Gabby" Giffords' recovery! After her near fatal gunshot wound to the head two weeks ago, she's leaving the hospital for rehab! The word "miracle" has become almost commonplace in news reports these days.

It's like Dr. Peter Rhee was hand-picked to be the trauma doctor that tragic Saturday morning in Tuscon. Suddenly, University Medical Center Hospital was inundated with a flood of shooting victims. Most prominent among them - a United States Congresswoman with a severe bullet wound to the head.

Flags fly at half-staff...our national leaders pause for a moment of silence at the White House and on the Capitol steps...and even seasoned news reporters struggle with the pain and anguish of those devastating moments when a mall parking lot suddenly became a killing field.

Another one of those days. When our country is shaken by the shock and grief - and stories - of a single violent act. The barrage of deadly shots at the Tucson, Arizona supermarket lasted only seconds. The damage done will last for lifetimes.

We just gave our two-year-old grandson an early Christmas present - it's a charming children's Nativity. As soon as he opened it, he started arranging Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the animals exactly where he thought they should be.When I looked at his finished work, I thought, "This little guy gets it."



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