
People are worried. The news is pretty unnerving.

Our family's seeing more anxiety through social media recently. People who seldom watch the news are watching it now. Our national leaders are speaking more ominously than we've ever heard them speak.

Yesterday a U.S. Senator said Ebola is "one of the most explosive, deadly epidemics in modern times." In Africa, the number of cases doubled in just the past month. You feel fine for three weeks after you've been infected. It's so easy to spread.

A friend recently asked me for advice on a new relationship he had begun with a girl he was interested in. I have been extremely happily married for almost 20 years now. So I thought about it for a bit, and came up with a few ideas about new or developing Christian romantic relationships. Hopefully they'll be useful for you or someone you know:

It's not been a happy, happy, happy week in Washington.

National leaders usually try to cool the rhetoric so we don't panic. Not these past few days. They're saying things folks like that just don't say.

You know something's up when the Secretary of Defense says in a press conference, "The world is exploding all over."

Why is "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" the number one movie in America for two weeks in a row? Critics hated it! The Turtles received a dismal 20% rating on movie critic site Rotten Tomatoes. But now these green martial arts experts have become an international mega-hit. What in the world is going on?

Most Americans weren’t around on that D-Day 70 years ago this weekend.

But we’d better be glad they succeeded when they hit those Normandy beaches. They stopped perhaps the most powerful threat to freedom in history. Hitler’s Nazi Germany.

California Rampage

"We may never know why this happened."

That's the usual reaction when another "senseless" shooting leaves its trail of death and heartbreak. Not this time.

The vengeful gunman in last week's horrific rampage near Santa Barbara, California left a hate-filled, 141-page manifesto to explain it. Three were stabbed to death, three sorority girls shot to death, 13 injured. It was one student's self-described "day of retribution."

"My Twisted World" is, in part, a journal of growing romantic and sexual frustration. Girls went for other guys but not for him. Others were having sex while he was an unintentional virgin. Frustration morphed into loneliness, then desperation, then a hellish personal agenda of destroying what had hurt him.

mom and son

The florists are in their recliners, recovering from their busiest day of the year. Hallmark is counting all their Mother's Day card money. And the phone companies are pretty happy, too. It's the busiest calling day of the year.

Mother's Day is over for another year. But not their marks on our life.



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