You Need God's Band - #9920
January 17, 2025
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Quite often, I'll speak in churches that have two morning services, and it was a Sunday like that. I went into that little room off the sanctuary where you meet to pray with church leaders. But the people who were there when I went in weren't praying. They were playing - their trombones, that is. Actually, they were warming up to play in the brass section of the church's worship band. Now, there were some very interesting sounds coming from that room. In fact, I was almost afraid to go in, but I did. And I got involved in a conversation with the men behind the music. One of them had just made a minor goof in what he was practicing. Of course, how would I know - Mr. Music Dork? But that led to George telling me why he would much rather play with a band than play a solo. He said, "It is so much easier when the band is there to support you." When I asked him what he meant by "support you," he said, "Well, the rest of the band sort of carries you along and they cover up your mistakes!"