
Monday, August 13, 2018

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You can have some say in what seat you get on an airplane. In fact, I try to reserve the kind of seat I want in advance. But you don't have any say in who your neighbors will be. No, like the children who were in the seat behind me on one flight. My first clue that it was going to be an interesting flight was their squealing and crying and we hadn't even taken off yet. Mom just didn't seem to have her young daughter and her younger son under control, but she was trying. As we took off, I heard her tell her daughter loudly, "Don't squeeze your brother's head!" That's a good idea. That sounded like a pretty reasonable request to me. Then she gave a reason, "You know he's got a fever and he keeps throwing up!" Oh, good! Great, great! For some strange reason, I instinctively ducked. Well, the way I figured it, a straight trajectory would carry anything that came from that boy's mouth right to my head. (And that's enough of that discussion.) I looked at the passenger next to me and we both just kind of shrugged and bent our heads down. Well, nothing terribly gross happened, but all during the flight I kept thinking about those flu germs flying all around me and I hoped I'd taken enough Vitamin C that morning!

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

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The Lord's been good to our ministry and given us vehicles when we needed them through His people. It's been a wonderful thing. And I remember years ago, He provided our ministry with a used car. It was the easiest car to drive we've ever had up to that time. The windows were interesting. Looking out the windshield, everything looks clear. Looking out the side windows; that was another story. They were tinted for privacy. But over the years and the miles and all the heat, the tinting had started to create ripples in the glass. So everything you looked at through those windows just didn't look quite right. It's was blurred, it was distorted, it was dark.

Monday, July 30, 2018

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We tend to measure life by its milestones. Take our first born child, our daughter. There have been a lot of milestones in her life. I remember looking at the films of her learning to walk. Now, that's a big milestone from a long time ago. Her first piano recital; we have pictures of that of course. Her first band concert; that was a big one. Let's see, there was her junior high graduation, then her high school graduation, her college graduation, her wedding; man, there have been a lot of things. I remember that when she graduated from college there was a sense of completion I think for all of us. She had a double major in college. She graduated with honors. She got a degree from a great school, and I wrote something on her graduation card for all the work and all the money that that degree had cost. I told her there is another degree that she needs. One that is far more important.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

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He's only in our office for a few days each year, but we think about him a lot. He's our auditor-the man who comes to check up on us financially after each fiscal year. It's important that a ministry have an annual audit we think. We're committed to always taking the high road and we try to be stewards of God's money that has been sent through His people. Everything needs to be handled by the highest possible standards. Now, the auditor will publish his statement after his review, and if he finds any weaknesses, he publishes those. I'm really thankful that we continue to get a good clean audit, but that's because we're thinking about the auditor all year long. I mean, here we are trying to decide the best way to record or document something. We always ask, "Well, what does the auditor want?" See, that helps you make right choices. You keep in mind that accounting that you're going to have to give.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

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I don't know if there was ever a time in our son's life when he checked the mailbox so many times. Now I know what you're thinking-a letter from a girl, right? No, it was grades from college. See, this was during our son's last visit home when he was going to college, and the grades for the semester just completed were supposed to be mailed to him at home. Well, it got a little frustrating and as he talked with all his college friends, they were telling him in other parts of the country, that they already had their grades. And every day that they didn't come, he got a little more frustrated. Now why was he so eager to get his grades? He had every reason to believe he had done very well this time. And finally, they came. Best grades by far since he started college, the Dean's List! High fives all around, baby!

Monday, July 9, 2018

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O.K., I'll admit it, I'm often in a hurry to get where I'm going. More than once, you know, when Karen and I were traveling in the crew configuration that my wife and I used for years – me pilot at the wheel, her navigator with map. We'd be clipping along at a healthy rate of speed, believing that the purpose of the exercise is to be there, right, not to spend a lot of time getting there! Right? And even though my beautiful navigator may have announced that a turn was coming up soon, I maintain my "got to get there" speed. Then, suddenly, I hear those words, "This is our turn!" Zoom! We blow right past it – sometimes without an opportunity to turn around for several miles. So much for me trying to make good time, right? Too often, I've ended up on the wrong road – just because I was going too fast to turn.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

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It was our first weekend after we moved to the New York area; it was the 4th of July. So, we thought it would be a good weekend to go see New York City. A lot of people will be gone, and it was just a really good weekend. We didn't get all jammed up in traffic, we got to see a lot of the sights and we got familiar with the streets. We kind of braved it. When we headed home, we drove up the West Side Highway, which runs right along the Hudson River headed for the George Washington Bridge. 

All of a sudden all the traffic just came to a stop. We thought that was a little unusual to have a big traffic jam on a holiday, but what was more unusual was it just, well it didn't move at all. We weren't creeping, we weren't inching along; we were totally stopped for a while. It was a long parking lot and no one moved an inch for like half an hour. I couldn't figure out what was going on. 

Monday, June 25, 2018

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We tend to know the TV shows that were big when our children were growing up. So, I happen to know something about a program called "The A-Team". Yeah, our guys had a must-not-miss date each week with Hannibal Smith, B. A. Baracus, and the rest of this team of fugitive Vietnam vets who took on the causes of people victimized by the bad guys. The basic plot of each show was fairly predictable - bad guys pick on person, person hires A-Team, bad guys are about to win, A-Team comes up with a brilliant, and usually unlikely plan, A-Team wins. (There you go; now you've seen them all.) These elaborate plans were hatched by the leader of the team--Col. Hannibal Smith. And he never seemed to tell anybody, including his team, why he was doing what he was doing – or asking them to do. But at the end, when the strategy finally unfolded victoriously, Hannibal would always smile and he said his trademark words, "I love it when a plan comes together" I still remember.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

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Ah yes, World History class. I'm sure you remember everything you heard there very vividly, right? No. If you remember anything, you probably remember that for centuries the nations of Europe were fighting it out to be number one on their block; often using their ships to build their empires. Now, if you were out on the high seas back then, sailing, let's say for England, the only way you knew if an approaching ship was friend or foe was by their colors flying from the mast. That was also how they would know whether or not to shoot at you as well. As the story goes, many captains decided to strategically lower their colors in a risky situation so folks wouldn't know what their allegiance was. But apparently there were a few bold and courageous skippers who gave a different kind of order to their crew. It went like this: "Nail the colors to the mast." "Uh, sir, that means we can't lower our colors if we need to?" "That's right, matey. Nail them to the mast!".

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

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Well, I used to be concerned just about me or someone I love picking up a virus. Now I've got to be worried about my computer picking up a virus! And more and more of them are infecting various computer systems. We hear about it on the news a lot. Now, if one of those viruses contaminates your computer, of course it could cause you to lose valuable data. It can even cause your computer to crash. But, thankfully, I have this special software feature that's called a virus scan. You probably do too. When I turn on my computer, basically the virus scan checks to see if any of those destructive little critters have gotten in, and it warns me if they have. And that's a good thing, because you want to get that virus before it infects everything. Right?



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