Spreading Your Germs - #8241
Monday, August 13, 2018
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You can have some say in what seat you get on an airplane. In fact, I try to reserve the kind of seat I want in advance. But you don't have any say in who your neighbors will be. No, like the children who were in the seat behind me on one flight. My first clue that it was going to be an interesting flight was their squealing and crying and we hadn't even taken off yet. Mom just didn't seem to have her young daughter and her younger son under control, but she was trying. As we took off, I heard her tell her daughter loudly, "Don't squeeze your brother's head!" That's a good idea. That sounded like a pretty reasonable request to me. Then she gave a reason, "You know he's got a fever and he keeps throwing up!" Oh, good! Great, great! For some strange reason, I instinctively ducked. Well, the way I figured it, a straight trajectory would carry anything that came from that boy's mouth right to my head. (And that's enough of that discussion.) I looked at the passenger next to me and we both just kind of shrugged and bent our heads down. Well, nothing terribly gross happened, but all during the flight I kept thinking about those flu germs flying all around me and I hoped I'd taken enough Vitamin C that morning!