
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

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My flight was scheduled to leave Newark Airport at 2:30 in the afternoon. There was bad weather at my destination, so they said we were postponed until 4:30. Then, "We have no idea when we'll be able to leave." Then they said, "We think we'll go at 5:30." Finally we did leave at 6:00. Of course that gave us lots of time to memorize the menu at the airport restaurant, which didn't take long, to check out the restroom several times, buy lots of magazines, and count the designs in the carpet. In the meantime another flight had been cancelled and some of those passengers were put on my flight. So this was one very full plane.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

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The sign said Antique Auto Show, so my wife and I decided that we'd take fifteen minutes and stop at this car dealership and look at the antique autos. Really we were interested in seeing the ones that, you know, like went back to the 50s and 60s. There was this one, sleek, black '66 Mustang that had a flawless exterior, a rich interior, the hood was open so you could look at the horsepower underneath.

Friday, November 28, 2014

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When I got my wife a bread maker for Christmas one year, I'm not sure who that present was really for-was it for her or me? I love the smell; I love the taste of fresh bread. I mean, who doesn't? She just pours the mix into the bread machine, punches in all the proper settings, leaves it so it can begin its wonderful three-hour process of becoming fresh baked bread. Of course, we get busy and we forget it's baking sometimes. But we don't have anything to do with it anyway. It's just silently getting done.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

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Our friends were kind enough to loan my wife and me their second home where we could get away for a couple days. Now, when you're in somebody else's home, look, you want to be on your best behavior. You know, make sure you don't break anything, and leave it like you found it. Well, I was having a little bit of difficulty getting the front door un-jammed; or unlocked. My wife said, "What are you doing?" And I jokingly said, "I couldn't get it unlocked, so I'm just pushing it open." She said, "No, no. Don't do that." Now, there's a reason we had that little dialogue. Yeah, it's called history.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

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If I'm going to fly somewhere I usually have my ticket well before the trip. And of course you get the e-tickets today but years ago there weren't e-tickets and boy I was looking for it in the mail and it hadn't come. I called them and they said, "Well, we have your reservation here. I'm sure everything will be fine." Thank you for that reassurance, but it does take a ticket to get on the plane. I was scheduled to leave on a Friday, Wednesday was a real important day. Well I checked the mail again. No ticket. I called again and they said, "It's on the way." Yeah great. I've had people say, "The check is in the mail" too. And it wasn't. So I wasn't quite sure. Well, I know you're really worried. Good news! It was there, ready for me, on Thursday afternoon. I was worried because I didn't have it in my hand. But the airline assured me I was okay all those days before, and I did get what I needed but I got it just when I needed it and no sooner.

Friday, November 14, 2014

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Hey I love Christmas decorations and I love Christmas music and I love Christmas spirit! Not so much in October. There's actually something irritating about Christmas celebration long before Thanksgiving. So, when the decorations go up, and the advertisements start about, oh I don't know...eight weeks before Christmas, well, in our family we just kind of ignore it all. I came in awhile back, and I said, "Hey, the Thanksgiving lights are up at the mall!" Well good night it's way too early for Christmas right? I'm going to die hard on this thing. Listen, Christmas is beautiful, my favorite time of year. But it's beautiful in its proper season. It just doesn't feel right when it comes too early. It's like delivering the punch line of a joke. Timing is everything.

Monday, November 3, 2014

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Okay, are you ready for some exercise? Well listen, only do this if both hands are available. If you're driving, I'd rather you wouldn't try this. Okay here we go! Extend one hand so it's out straight. Okay, Now I'm doing this same thing. Now, poke your index finger full force into that open palm. Okay, got it. Okay now here's part two of the exercise. You got that same hand open? Now make your other hand into a fist. Now, hit that hand full-force with the fist. Okay, here we go. Well...which one had more power?

Monday, October 27, 2014

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I guess every neighborhood has its' bully. When I was growing up, our neighborhood sure did-Boomer! I'm not making that up. That was his name! This guy made all of us little kids in the neighborhood his victims. He'd beat us up, he'd tower over us, he'd threaten us, he'd take our stuff. One day I'd had enough! I was little and he was big. But I marched all the way down our little block on the south side of Chicago. I went up the steps on that back porch, and man, I pounded on the screen door there. Boomer came to the door. I said, "Boomer, I want my stuff back!" He said, "Man, you're a brave little kid." Well, he didn't really say that, but you probably said, "Well, Ron, I really underestimated you." Yeah, there was one thing I forgot to tell you. My Father went with me. That made a very big difference. Like this: Boomer was bigger than I was, but my Father was bigger than Boomer was.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

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I'm the early riser in our family, so it's not uncommon for me to be in the bathroom around 6:00 in the morning; only one awake. Even when our children were at home I made a science of being quiet in the morning so I didn't wake up my wife or anyone else who was sleeping.

Friday, October 17, 2014

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I was having a conversation with a young man who was a student in a Missionary Aviation course. Now, he had only had classroom training. He did have a little experience when he visited the flight training facility. On the second day they said, "Okay, go for it." He was flying! Now, he was carrying his notepad with him the day I saw him, and I noticed the sentence he had written at the top of his notes. It was obviously something he thought he would be tested on either in the classroom or maybe in the cockpit someday. Actually, it could be life-or-death information on a particular day. Here's what it said: "Attitude-the relationship of the known to the horizon." Now, he told me that simple discipline is what keeps an aircraft stable. Maybe you, too.



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