
Friday, July 10, 2015

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At first I thought I was looking at a cow from Mars. We were driving through an area of large dairy and cattle farms when I glanced over and there just inside this barbed wire fence was a cow with a big metal ring around her neck. A rod of metal was sticking up from the top of the ring and a rod sticking down from the bottom. Well my wife grew up on a farm with cows, so she was able to help me realize that this is what she called a fence crawler.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

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At one time our offices were on the third floor of an old factory building. There were a lot of stairs, and they had a pretty steep pitch. One of our team members dropped by one day with her beautiful four-month-old daughter, Katie. Mom was tired. And needless to say, the child wasn't able to climb up the stairs to the third floor on her own. Sometimes adults could barely make it. Mom needed to carry Katie in her arms the whole way. The sight of her carrying her daughter? I hate to say it was almost amusing. Mom was out of breath as she tried to recover. But not Katie! No, she was all cute and wide-eyed. She's not sweating; she's not panting. No, she's totally relaxed, totally cool. Of course she didn't have to do any of the work.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

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For those of us who have traveled many summers with our Native American outreach team, it will always be remembered as the Night of the Bat. I was with a team of about 35 young Native Americans on a reservation in the Northwest. Most of us were staying in tents or teepees, and a few girls were sleeping in the dining hall. A few of us were in that hall wrapping up for the night, and suddenly a bat somehow got in the room and began doing aerial laps around the room. The reactions were priceless. The girls crawled into their sleeping bags, covered up totally, and screamed like "wolf man" was on the loose. There, huddled in one corner, was this mound of moving, screaming, wiggling sleeping bags. And the rest of the camp was waking up fast. Everyone was running toward the dining hall to see what awful terror had invaded.

Monday, April 20, 2015

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My friend, Jerry, was a pilot who's gone home to be with the Lord that he loved. At his memorial service, his son told some of the stories of Jerry's very adventurous life. He was pretty unflappable. I mean, that's a pretty good characteristic for a pilot, right?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

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Often when I speak at a church, there is like a question and answer time at the end of my talk. There was this one time when the questions ranged from things about our ministry, to questions about how to reach lost people, to my family; it was a little bit of everything. Well, one man in the back asked an amusing question. He said, "Where do you get all this energy?" Well, I have been accused of being the Energizer Bunny.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

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Of course the most boring part of any youth group outing is the long bus trip, especially if the trip is say from Michigan to Arizona. I once interviewed some kids who went on a mission trip to the Navajo Reservation from Michigan. I don't think they'll remember their trip as boring. Because of the carelessness of another driver, their bus had to swerve sharply at one point and the bus went off the road and started to roll all the way over into a ditch. Well you've got to know that was scary! One by one they emerged from the bus. Some of them were injured and they had to be treated at a local hospital, but thankfully no one was killed.

Friday, January 30, 2015

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Our family's had the wonderful privilege to spend some unforgettable ministry days on Native American reservations in the southwest. And when you're there you do a lot of driving. Now, the vehicle of choice there is not a car. No, no, no you want a truck. The roads there are, shall we say, of uneven quality. A lot of places are only accessible on roads that are steep and bumpy, and it challenges the durability of any vehicle or passenger for that matter.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

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Our local high school football team back East had a history of championships. And the guys worked very hard to get a starting position. Spending time in the weight room, one of the things they had to do. Two of our sons played for that team, and I'll tell you, they knew they had to be in that weight room a lot. For one thing, the coach sees you there, he knows you're working hard, and that's what coaches like. Now, you've also got your spotters there. These are the guys who stand by you while you're lifting to help lift that bar off of you just in case you get in trouble because you lifted more than you can handle.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

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Our son-in-law has done our family a great favor. He took our clunky, old Super 8 movies and put them onto a DVD so we could watch them a little more easily. And not long ago I was watching a scene with our oldest son that really brought back some, well, tender feelings.

Monday, January 5, 2015

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If you're in a hurry, there are words you really don't want to see on the highway like, "Reduce Speed", or "Construction Ahead." Often that slow-down occurs long before you even see the sign. You wonder, "What's going on here? Why am I in a two-mile traffic jam?



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