
If only children came with an instruction manual! But no, we all have to learn on our own. So here is some experienced insight on finding the needs behind the deeds.


Meant for More

Our Resource Library is where you'll find help for becoming the "More You Were Made For," through articles, audio and video help.

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Ron Hutchcraft's daily radio program. Like a daily cup of coffee!

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Short blogs about current events, felt needs, and how to live an abundant life.




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In this video, Ron explains how to begin a relationship with Jesus

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Chat with someone about how to have a relationship with Jesus



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
(877) 741-1200 (toll-free)
(870) 741-3400 (fax)


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