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By Ron Hutchcraft

Karen and I were in love - but we had to be apart that Christmas. Me at home - her at school. So she was virtually alone on campus, She said it was the worst Christmas ever.

It may be in the middle of the celebrating all around us, you're feeling pretty alone. Even invisible. And not just at Christmas. It's like no one sees you.

Well, Someone really does. When Jesus was here, a lady with a medical condition came looking for Him. She was out of doctors, out of money, Out of hope. She pushed through the crowd - hoping to be unnoticed - just to touch the hem of His robe, hoping that might cure her. Suddenly Jesus asked, "Who touched Me?" I love these next words - "Seeing that she could not go unnoticed... " (Luke 8:42).

Neither can you. No one goes unnoticed or unseen by Jesus. He thought you were worth dying for, on the cross. He loves you and He wants a relationship with you. Forever. You could begin that relationship with Him today. Contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
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(870) 741-3400 (fax)


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