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By Doug Hutchcraft

So apparently there's been a presidential election of some sort recently. You know, I noticed both candidates kept using the same word: hope. They know that's something we're all looking for.

I'm Doug Hutchcraft and it seems whether it's a politician, a job, a relationship, we tend to put our hope for joy, for peace, for contentment in all the wrong things that eventually disappoint us. There is one person though, Jesus, who God's book actually calls the "hope of all the world," that can give us the hope that never fails (Matthew 12:21).

God's book also says, this God of hope can fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him. Trust in Him for what? Well, to remove the sin the Bible says we're all born with that separates us from Him.

God says when we trust Jesus as the One who paid for our sin, we'll be headed for a Heaven with a hope that never fails. Find out more by contacting us at 888-NEED-HIM or



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