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By Lisa Hutchcraft Whitmer
Christmas is full of special moments. Lights, food, music, giving, celebrating.
I'm Lisa Hutchcraft Whitmer, and along with special memories, there are also moments where it feels broken.
Maybe this Christmas, there's a missing person - from death, divorce, or a broken relationship. There's that unwanted medical diagnosis. We don't have custody... lost our job... income... reputation.
Yet in our broken, we see a baby. He's the One who loves you more than anyone else, who died for all the junk in my life and yours, and who blew the doors off death!
You may feel broken, but the One who "has overcome the world" is ready to have a relationship with YOU! (John 16:33)
Want to reach out to the One who made you and died for you? Contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or go to