
By Brad Hutchcraft

It's an exciting year for us as our daughter is graduating high school soon. So, of course that means I am wanting to make everything as perfect as possible... including Christmas. Over-decking the halls, baking all the cookies, all with the goal of the perfect Christmas.

The reality is that I know I can't make that happen. We've all been there - plans fall apart, the bank account is empty, and we find ourselves stressed out or disappointed. For some, depression might even set in this time of year.

But hang on. There was a "perfect Christmas" which brought all of us good news and great joy! When Jesus Christ was born over 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem, He changed everything.

That's because it didn't stop at the manger. Thirty-three years after His birth, Jesus died on the cross for me... for you. And then the great news - He rose again! He paid the penalty for our sin so we don't have to. If you'd like to know more about how to have this life-changing, joy-bringing, forever relationship with Jesus, contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or

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