
By Ron Hutchcraft

Silent night. That wouldn't describe the gift- giving craziness at our house on Christmas Eve. Try loud! I remember the year our youngest grandchild was pretty overwhelmed. Grandma saw him wandering around, looking bewildered. She took him to a quiet corner, got him focused on one new toy, and he was fine. She was his one safe place in the chaos.

For me and for millions of others, that one safe place is Jesus. And He'd like to be that for you. The Bible says, "Nothing can ever separate us from His love" (Romans 8:39). That is ultimate security in a world that's increasingly dark and lonely and even dangerous.

His love for us brought Him here and all the way to that cross where He died to pay for our sin. Then He walked out of His grave so He could walk into your life this Christmas. And you're safe because His love is unloseable, His power is unlimited, and He's bigger than your greatest fear.

And you can belong to Him today. Would you contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or He is your one safe place.

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