
By Doug Hutchcraft

My college-age daughter actually has the coolest Christmas name: Noelle! She spends the majority of the year at college a few states away from us: and as her dad who misses her, that's NOT cool. Every year at Christmas I can't WAIT for her to come home!

Did you know that YOU have a Father, a Heavenly Father, that also longs for you to be with Him? And chances are that emptiness you may be feeling inside is actually your heart longing to be with Him.

The problem is we've decided to run our lives our own way instead of our Creator's way, what He calls sin, and that the Bible says God actually "hides His face" from us because a holy God cannot stand sin. But wait... there's more! The Heavenly Father's Son, Jesus, died on a cross to make us right with God... the Bible says Jesus, the righteous without sin, died for you, the unrighteous with sin, to bring you to God!

Find out more by calling 888-NEED-HIM or by visiting - and finally come home for Christmas!

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Harrison, AR 72602-0400

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