
By Ron Hutchcraft

Our sons are grown men with kids of their own. But not when it comes to some of their Christmas presents for each other. Guaranteed: there will be some classic toys in there somewhere. A memory from their childhood. Christmas is a time when things that meant a lot to you years ago suddenly mean a lot to you again!

Like Jesus maybe. When you were little, He meant a lot to you. Maybe you sang "Jesus loves me, this I know." And you knew He did, because He died for you so He could forgive your sins. But you're older now. Life got complicated. You've been doing life pretty much your way without Him.

But now you're facing things you can't fix. Or change. Or control. My friend, you need a Savior. You need Jesus. You were never meant to drive. He was. Here's His invitation: "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

This Christmas, it's time to come home to Jesus. To finally open your heart to Him and tell Him, "Jesus, I'm Yours." Contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or

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