
By Ron Hutchcraft

Those days before Christmas our daughter could hear the sound of hammers in the basement and read the "Do Not Enter" sign on the door. Yep! We were building something just for her - a doll house. And she loved it!

You know, there's no gift more special than a gift made by someone who loves us. Especially if it's the One who loves you most. Here's the gift God's offering you. "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Heaven guaranteed; a gift straight from the hand of Almighty God!

Three things about a gift: you didn't make it, you didn't pay for it, and you have to receive it for it to be yours. Well, the gift of "sin is forgiven and heaven guaranteed" is totally from God. Paid for by the death of His Son, because all your goodness and religion could never pay for your sin.

And now it's offered to you by this Jesus, who conquered death. Now will you reach out and take it? Then contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or If you want to know how much God loves you, just look at how much He spent on you.

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