
By Brad Hutchcraft

It seems that every holiday season brings us a new Christmas movie. But let's face it, there's just something special about the classics, whether it's George Bailey running down the streets of Bedford Falls, or the Grinch hearing the singing from Whoville. Those are some heartwarming moments.

But in reality, you might be feeling more like Charlie Brown did when he said, "Christmas is coming, but I don't feel the way I'm supposed to feel." Oh, but then comes Linus, who reminds us for the reason we can have great joy. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord." When we realize that the heartbeat of Christmas is found in that baby in a manger it changes everything!

Jesus' journey took Him from the manger to the cross, where He died for you. The Bible says "we all have sinned" (or run our lives our way instead of God's) and we need a rescuer. Good news! "To you is born a Savior." Don't let another Christmas go without Jesus.

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