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From the giant Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center to the not-so-giant one in our living room, there's a problem with Christmas trees. They're great for a while - and then they're gone.

So are we. The Bible says, "You do not even know what will happen tomorrow...You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14). A "Family Circus" cartoon shows this little boy commenting on the birth and death dates on a tombstone: He said, "I guess Grandpa's life was just the dash between the numbers."

It's important to be ready for eternity whenever and however it comes. That's why I'm so grateful Jesus came that first Christmas. His announced mission: "To save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). And we need saving. Because the Bible makes clear the wrong things we've done have put a wall between us and the God we will meet on Judgment Day.

In God's Words, "Christ died for our sins" (Romans 5:8). He died so we don't have to. This Christmas - what a time to grab Jesus - because we're not guaranteed any more time.

If you want to begin a relationship with Him, chat with us at Get ready for eternity.



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