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We just happened to have meetings in the Northeast when Hurricane Sandy slammed that region. We were blessed to find a room in one of the few hotels that wasn't shut down by the storm. Later, in the lobby, I saw displaced people coming in - only to be greeted by this sad sign: "We have no rooms."

That's the sign Mary and Joseph found on the only hotel in town the night Jesus was born. "No room" - it's also the sign that many folks have hung on the door of their heart. "Sorry, Jesus - I'm running my life...I've got my religion...I'm really busy."

The One you're keeping out is the One who made you - who paid for your sin with His life. The Bible says, "to all who received Him...He gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12). He's knocking at your heart-door today - who knows if or when He'll knock again. If you're ready to open that door, let us help you. Go to our website,

Let this be your first Christmas with Christ in your heart.



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
(877) 741-1200 (toll-free)
(870) 741-3400 (fax)


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