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I was at a Christmas pageant where the angel was standing on a platform over the shepherds' heads. He got as far as "Fear not!", and fell right onto the shepherds.

The angel never got to the Good News part of Christmas. Like you, maybe. That first Christmas, the angel said, "I bring you Good News, today a Savior has been born to you" (Luke 2:10-11). You can celebrate Christmas this year but never really get to the Good News. It's all about a Savior. For you. That's good news for the same reason it's good news when a rescuer goes into a burning building to save someone. Someone will die otherwise.

When it comes to the death penalty for all of us, who've run our own lives, the someone who will die is you and me. Except for the Rescue. A Savior came for you. Jesus died for you to rescue you eternally.

If you want to make the Savior your Savior, we'd love to talk with you at



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