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There’s a moment that officially begins the Christmas season at our house—the night my son and I bring home the Christmas tree. Christmas would be incomplete without the tree.

That’s sort of how God feels about Christmas. It’s incomplete without the tree. Not the evergreen with the decorations; the one on Skull Hill. That brutal cross where God’s Son completed the mission that began that first Christmas.

In God’s own words, Jesus “bore our sins in His body on the tree” (1 Peter 2:24). Our sinful running of our own lives carries an eternal death penalty, which God had every right to let us pay. But God loves you too much to lose you. So He sent His Son, by way of a stable, to pay your sin-bill on that tree.

And nothing matters more to God than whether or not you put your trust in Jesus to be your Savior from your sin. If you’ve never begun this life-giving relationship with Jesus, there’s someone waiting to talk with you at 888-NEED HIM.

God will never forget what you do with His Son.

This radio program references: 1 Peter 2:24



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