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It was December 1941; the Japanese had just attacked Pearl Harbor. So there was ordered a "Christmas blackout" along the Pacific coast so the bombers couldn't hit those lit-up houses. So, lamps and Christmas lights were gone. For many, what was supposed to be a time of celebration was a time of darkness and dread.

Maybe that's your reality this Christmas. Not a dark house, but a deep darkness in your soul as you trudge through another season without hope. The Bible explains this blackout in our soul. It says it's "without hope and without God in the world." Without the One who's our only hope of a life with meaning and an eternity in heaven. But God sent His Son, the Bible says, so "There would be no more gloom for those living in distress." He died to remove the sin that keeps us from God. And now He's waiting for you to take the life that He died to give you. If you want to get that settled, call us at 888-NEED HIM. The blackout could be over and the lights can go on in your soul.

References: Ephesians 2:12; Isaiah 9:1

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