God is moving powerfully at Warrior Leadership Summit, the On Eagles' Wings discipleship conference for hundreds of Native youth.
Watch this new video of Will, Nez Perce, sharing his life-changing story - celebrating 10 years of following Jesus!
So many powerful God-moments are taking place at Warrior Leadership Summit. WLS is the annual Native youth discipleship conference hosted by Hutchcraft Ministries, with hundreds of Native young people attending from all reservations across the United States.
Craig Smith, veteran Native leader, says, "There is an air of excitement we haven't seen at this level here at WLS. These Native young people are responding to the Word of God. The worship is rich. When Ron gave the altar call with the Gospel, the response was one of the most encouraging I've seen."
Native young people are so encouraged. They realize they are not alone in following Jesus.
Brad Hutchcraft, Director of On Eagles' Wings, shares, "As I continue to hear back from leaders throughout the week, it is obvious God is doing something special in the hearts and lives of these warriors. It is always an incredible experience at WLS, but it seems we're hearing more about the impact than ever before."
Ron Hutchcraft shared the Gospel, and presented an opportunity for these Native young people to choose Jesus. He says, "It was awesome to see a strong and almost immediate response to give their lives publicly to Christ."
The week has been filled with worship, speaking, workshops, and fun, all designed to help equip Native young people to be lifetime followers of Jesus.
There were many Native young people who were baptized, making a public declaration that they are "all in" for Jesus.
Watch this video report from Ron Hutchcraft, sharing about what God did on Gospel night.
Ron continues, "In all my years of youth ministry and youth conferences, I've never seen God move so powerfully as He does at WLS. Probably because the need is so desperate. And because young people who've been raised on the ‘white man's God' lie about Jesus need to see Jesus in all His glory for once in their life!"
Please continue to pray -
- for protection, health, safety...
- Pray against attacks of the enemy...
- Pray for hearts to be drawn towards Jesus.
WARRIOR SCHOLARSHIPS STILL NEEDED. Will you please help empower a warrior?
Your investment will help cover the expenses for a reservation young person attending WLS:
- Your gift of $100 makes possible a day at Warrior Leadership Summit.
- Your gift of $50, a half day.
- Your gift of $500 gives a reservation young person the full week of WLS.
Next up: On Eagles' Wings Native American team set to bring the Gospel to hurting young people on reservations.
Thank you for helping bring hope to Native America! God bless you!