

Thank you for your prayer!

Hundreds of warriors, representing many Native tribes, took part in this life-changing conference.

You would have been moved by the baptism service. Many Native young people wanted to boldly proclaim their new life in Jesus Christ.

The final meeting of the conference had many highlights:

  • Powerful "Warrior Worship"
  • Many more Native young people making first-time commitments to Jesus.
  • A final time of surrender to God.

Please take a moment to watch the final video report from Warrior Leadership Summit 2016. We hope you will be encouraged.

Hundreds of Native young people head back home to their reservations across the continent -- returning home with renewed hope in Jesus!

Please pray for these warriors. Pray that the seed sown will not be snatched away by a waiting enemy who is determined to steal, kill, and destroy.

Pray for the youth leaders, as they continue to disciple, follow-up, and nurture these young believers in Christ.

Now the Summer of Hope 2016 turns a big corner. Approximately 50 young warriors are headed to eleven reservations over this next month. They are ambassadors of hope for their people!

Your prayers are urgently needed for the exciting next chapter of Summer of Hope 2016. Pray for safety and strength for the On Eagles' Wings team. Pray for open hearts of the Native youth who will boldly hear about Jesus!

What Good News! Thank you for caring about Native America!

2016 OEW Team photo

Financial update: As you can see, we are getting close! Thank you to all who have invested in Native America!

Perhaps God would put it on your heart to help us close this gap. If you can give a gift of any amount, we believe we can have all the funds needed for Summer of Hope 2016!

Thank you!

Donate now



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
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