
Please watch these highlights from Summer of Hope 2024!

"God is so amazing. I can't put it into words. He took me from almost killing myself to telling other young Natives about Him. I am overfilled with joy and appreciation for life."

Mindy (Arapaho), Silverton Reservation, July 2024

When I read Mindy's story, I had to stop and reach for Kleenex. It was awful. And beautiful. And life-giving for a lot of young people on the Silverton Reservation.

Silverton broke some warrior hearts. After our second night, I walked into the school where we stayed and found a huddle of our guys gathered around Michael (Cherokee). He was bent over, doing something he doesn't do - sobbing. His fellow warriors, many strangers when the summer began, were bonded brothers who have now been in battle together.

Michael had really connected with a local basketball player like him. That night in the park where we had our events, he had poured out his heart to try to bring that young man to Jesus. But he told Michael, "I really don't believe in anything. I'm not ready."

Michael is not a crier. But he wept openly for one lost soul. He's not the only weeping warrior this summer. They care so deeply and fight so hard.

On Night Two, Becky (Tuscarora) had largely been shut down by a group of Silverton girls she tried to talk to. Night Three - she hung out with them, even though they barely talked. But they clearly were listening to the powerful Hope Stories. Including Mindy's.

Becky said, "I tried to present the Gospel, but they did not really take it." Then came our Gospel presenter's invitation to those who had prayed with him to begin a relationship with Jesus. "He died publicly for you. Come and stand publicly for Him." Suddenly, according to Becky, "One of the girls decided to walk up to the court and accept Christ. Then they all decided to accept Jesus!"

One young woman on the OEW team shared her story publicly that night - for the first time in her life. "Abused physically, mentally and sexually by my parents more times than I can count... assaulted multiple times... I kept everyone at arm's length... my best friend got shot in the head - I held him in my arms till his last breath."

A truly hopeless story. Until. On the night she was going to end her life, a friend saw her walking down the road and picked her up. They talked all night - about Jesus. That was the night her hopeless turned to hope.

She brought that hope to Silverton Rez our last night there. People were scattered all around the court, the park, in cars - but no one was moving as this young woman described how Jesus had turned the "ashes" of her life to "a crown of beauty."

"I felt hope. All fear was gone. I will never forget the overwhelming feeling of being loved. God changed my life completely. I want to tell other people about how amazing Jesus is and how He changed my life. God took the hand prints off my body and I am clean!"

Weston (Navajo) then powerfully explained how the Cross of Jesus makes possible the relationship that can change any life. Then, the invitation.

The response was spontaneous. They came. From every direction. One of our OEW local inviters spoke of who was coming forward, choosing Christ. He knew their stories. And he had tears in his eyes. Our inviters know more than we ever could - the significance of the victories won on these basketball courts.

You have prayed to empower and protect these warriors. You have given to send them to these reservations. These are your victories, too.

We praise the Lord for the gifts that have supplied 3/4 of the funds for this amazing mission and these amazing messengers. Please pray with us for the rest of the financial victory. Thank you!

I wish words could capture the deep and groundbreaking work God is doing in and through the young warriors of On Eagles' Wings. I hope you can catch a glimpse of the glory of God we are seeing night after night! We are together in delivering Hope where it is so hard to find!

* Names and locations changed for privacy.



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