Hundreds of Native American young people experience life-change at Warrior Leadership Summit (WLS)
Watch this powerful video update from "Gospel night" at Warrior Leadership Summit.
God has been moving powerfully at the annual WLS Native youth evangelism and discipleship conference hosted by Hutchcraft Ministries.
For many, WLS is a place where Native youth understand the Gospel for the first time, and choose to begin a personal relationship with Jesus.
There are many Native speakers throughout the week, but Gospel night is led by On Eagles' Wings co-founder, Ron Hutchcraft. Ron says, "This is the night that I get to do what I'm on earth to do - which is to share the good news of Jesus."
When the opportunity came for Native young people to come forward, and kneel at the foot of the cross, many came. Hearts were soft. Through hugs and tears, young people repented of sins, and were made clean because of Jesus.
The counseling room was full, where veteran On Eagles' Wings team members had the privilege of helping these Native youth solidify their commitment to Jesus.
"This never gets old!"
Many seasoned leaders often say this, indicating how seeing and experiencing a harvest of lives choosing Jesus continues to move and impact everyone here.
All week long, Native young people have been experiencing solid, biblical truth, learning practical ways to live and lead for Jesus in Native America.
Many Native youth ministry leaders express each year how this week has a profound impact on their youth. Through teaching, small groups, big sessions, and battle council workshops, Native youth are learning what it means to become more like Jesus.
UPDATE: Conference Scholarships are still needed for some Native Warriors who are attending WLS. Several full scholarships at $500 each, will cover the costs of these warriors. Please help empower a warrior to attend Warrior Leadership Summit.
$100 covers one day. $200 is for two days. $50 is for a half day. And $500 makes it possible for one warrior to attend Warrior Leadership Summit.