
According to polls, one reason people reject Jesus is because they're convinced following Him means becoming part of a particular political party. Are they getting that idea from us? After you come to know Jesus, yes, some of your political beliefs may change. But a political party is not part of the Gospel.

We are Christ's ambassadors - He is making His appeal through us, and that's so important to keep in mind during an election season. Below are five ways to be Christ's ambassador and to make a difference this (or any) election season:

1) Don't insist your candidate is right about everything. 1 Peter 5:5; Romans 12:10

2) Don't make people feel stupid for who they're voting for. Ephesians 4:29-30

3) Don't make assumptions about people who don't believe the way you do.

4) Don't post stuff on social media that makes you sound like you hate a candidate. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

5) Don't act like your favorite politician can do what only a Messiah can.

In times like these, we have the responsibility to:

1) Pray for God to have His way (which we might not always understand, but we need to always trust).

2) Seek His guidance in how I cast my vote, all the way down the ballot.

3) Represent Jesus in how we talk about the candidates, starting in our homes / in front of our children.

4) Pray that God will direct outcomes so that His plans will be accomplished in our families, our communities, our nation and our world - and that we may play a part in hearts turning back to Him.

If you want REAL change in our land, get REALLY serious about it and commit to a lifestyle of holy living and PRAYER. One thing we can be sure of: Presidents can't change people's hearts. Only God can truly change a heart!

We leave you with this question, and be honest: Are you more passionate about your candidate winning, or about your neighbor hearing the Gospel? If you've read this far, it's probably the latter, which is great news! Go M.A.D. in this election countdown!



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