
We are quickly approaching the end of the year. Your gifts and prayers have helped to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with adults and young people in many parts of the world and across the United States.

As we enter the last few weeks of 2009, your prayers and financial support are still greatly needed. Our goal is to operate on the income God provides. Each year we try to end up owing no one. Many of our ministry efforts take months to plan and once we have committed, the expense is there. Currently, we are beginning to fall short of our needs for the year.

During the final few weeks of this year, would you please consider a generous gift to support the on-going ministry efforts? We appreciate your prayers, and if you can help us reach a positive position by year-end, we would greatly appreciate it!



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
(877) 741-1200 (toll-free)
(870) 741-3400 (fax)


We have many helpful and encouraging resources ready to be delivered to your inbox.

Please know we will never share or sell your info.


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