
"Christmas Moments" and "Born to Rescue" Help You Share Christ

"To reach the lost in their language, and to motivate and equip believers to communicate Christ to the lost in their world." As the first part of our mission statement clearly states, we are passionate about taking the Gospel to hard-to-reach hearts and reach as many people as we can with the Good News. As the second part of our mission statement says, we carry the responsibility of making sure we are providing ministry tools that God's people can easily use to reach people in their world of influence with the Gospel of Jesus.

Tools to Help You Share ChristAs Christmas is drawing near, people's hearts are more open to the Gospel than at any other time, and we want to provide you with two tools that you can easily use to help share the good news of Jesus with those you will come in contact with throughout the Christmas season. The first is called "Christmas Moments."

A new "Christmas Moments" is posted at each day from now until Christmas. These 25 Christmas-themed stories by Ron Hutchcraft are full of Ron's warmth and personal style of ministry to point people to Jesus this Christmas season. Each "Christmas Moments" gives you the option of audio or text. Also available on the site for your use are the "Christmas Moments" from 2008.

Spread the hope of Jesus this Christmas by emailing a link of just the right "Christmas Moments" to a friend or family member who may not know Jesus. Feel free to print the messages to post at work or share with someone. Each message contains the phone number for Need Him ministries, one of our partners, that someone can immediately call if they would like to begin life's most important relationship.

The other outreach tool to help you share Christ at Christmas is the "Born to Rescue" booklet. Have you ever wanted to include something about life's most important relationship with each Christmas card or baked good you give at Christmas? As you give this Christmas, this is an easy way to give the Gospel to people you know. In this beautifully designed booklet, Ron Hutchcraft uncovers amazing insights and practical truth that will communicate the life-changing message of Jesus to spiritual seekers.

We encourage you as you are praying for divine opportunities from God to share the story of Jesus this Christmas season to consider using "Christmas Moments" and "Born to Rescue" as your tools for communicating the Christ of Christmas, available on our website at Because others still need to know Him as their Prince of Peace.

Read "Christmas Moments" online.

Preview "Born to Rescue."



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
(877) 741-1200 (toll-free)
(870) 741-3400 (fax)


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