
We've had the privilege to spend time on Indian reservations and make some wonderful Native American friends. Some have even honored us with Indian names. Our experiences mirror what has long happened among Native Americans; having experiences with a person and then celebrating it by giving them a name.

To God's ancient people, names were important - especially the ones they gave God based on how they experienced His love, His power, and His holiness. The Bible says, "Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim You, who walk in the light of Your presence, O Lord. They rejoice in Your name all day long ... For You are their glory and strength." ( Psalm 89-15-17 Like our Native friends, they often gave God a name that captured their experiences with Him.

If you were to sum up in a name how God worked in your life today, what name would you give Him? Think about it, tell Him about it, and worship Him for how He has been that for you. It's a powerful way to praise Him and to bring life into your worship of your great Savior. Give Him a name based on your experience.

When Native Americans want to honor a person and capture their character in a word, they honor them with a name. Our Lord deserves no less. Praise God each day with a name that tells how He's been God for you.



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
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