
It's a moment in recent American history that's indelibly etched in our memories: the explosion at the Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City in April of 1995. Many heroes were behind the scenes; like the convention of restaurant owners who changed their plans and dedicated themselves to supplying meals to the rescuers so the rescue work could continue uninterrupted.

When there's a life-or-death rescue situation, it's that kind of teamwork that saves lives. That kind of teamwork is desperately needed in spiritual rescue efforts; rescuing spiritually dying people by getting the Good News about Jesus to them. Front-line rescuers need support to keep them on the front lines.

In the days of Nehemiah, the Bible says, "...half of (the) men did the work, while the other half were equipped with spears, shields, bows and armor. Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked." ( Nehemiah 4:16) If those who supplied the materials didn't do their job, the builders could not have completed their job.

In the rescue mission of Jesus; the front-line workers need constant support in their life-saving work. There's a rescue emergency today - lives are at stake. They can only be rescued by life-saving teamwork. Wherever God has placed you, do all you can with what you've if it's life-or-death.



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
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