
Monday, April 21, 2014

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Back in my old Bible school days, some of my friends liked to get a little "punchy" when they got tired. And that's when you would see them doing what they would call "rapture practice." Yeah, you probably know the Bible describes Christ's coming for His own people, and a trumpet will sound and Christians caught up in the air to meet Him.

Well, one of my crazy friends would suddenly walk into the room and announce, "Rapture practice!" And then he'd go "ta-da!" That's the trumpet. And the other guys would respond. They would raise their hands above their heads and jump into the air. Okay, I'm sorry. I'm just telling you about it. I did not invent this.

Christians have had the opportunity for a much more serious rapture practice. I mean, a popular book predicted a date on which the author had rather, he thought, scientifically calculated that Christ would return. Many believers knew about that date and thought about it, even though Christ did not return as predicted at that point.

Look, He will when He's ready; not when we set the date. He said no man would know the day or the hour when He would come. But many believers started to think about it a lot. And even though some of us are uncomfortable with date setting, and we should be, that prediction made a lot of folks look at their lives. And that's a good thing just in case it was the right date. Jesus will return - maybe soon. Maybe we could use a little preparation.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Rapture Practice."

Our word for today from the Word of God is from 1 Peter 4:7 where Peter begins, "The end of all things is near." These are instructions for how to live when time is short. I feel that shortness of time. Do you? I feel it with my children. I feel it with my grandchildren. I feel like I'm running out of time to mark their lives. I feel that as my life seems to just fly by, and you don't have to have many birthdays to be like, "How can I be this old this fast?"

I look at the prophetic stage that seems to be set right now. I mean, a volatile middle east and Israel in the middle of it all. And the incredible rise of anti-Christian theology, and the marginalization of those who are loyal to Christ. And the Bible describes the falling away of Christians, global warming alarms, and all kinds of unprecedented occurrences and recurrences of natural disasters.

However you cut it, these are urgent times. I can't say Jesus is coming back at a certain time. I can say I'm not sure the world has ever looked more like the world He said He's return to than it looks right now. Look, this is a blueprint for people who are running out of time.

1 Peter 4:7 gives this instruction to people living in urgent times. "The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray." Any proper response to urgent times begins on your knees. And there are two prerequisites here to urgent times praying. First, you've got to have a clear mind. In other words, before you pray, make sure your mind is in neutral - that you're objective. That you come to God, not with your mind all made up, but you come with a blank piece of paper that says, "God, whatever you say to me, that's it. I'll do it."

Then it says to be self-controlled. You have to come to Him with controlled emotions. A pre-conceived mindset when you pray, or run-away feelings can lead you astray. They can confuse you. They can distort things, destroy judgment. They can drown out the voice of God. God wants to direct you, especially in these urgent times. He wants you to pray boldly. Before you can, you have to dethrone your own pre-conceptions and your own emotions, and then totally center on your sovereign Lord.

If you feel the shortness of time, don't panic. Don't go running around all over the place. First, get on your knees a lot more and listen for God's direction. It's never been more important that you have a God-directed day. There's no time to waste on your bright ideas or your personally conceived plans. The best practice for Christ's return is to spend time in His powerful presence.



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