
February 18, 2025

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When I was in junior high school, we usually bought one copy of the local newspaper every day. Until the day I won the County Spelling Bee! Yeah, I can do autographs later. I'm sure you're very impressed. Well, that day my parents bought about 20 copies of the local newspaper. What was the difference? Well, my name was in it this time!

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Love With Your Name On It."

Actually, that wasn't unusual for my family to do, buying all those newspapers. I mean, we're all like that. When our name is in something we're suddenly a whole lot more interested. It's that way with what might be the most important statement in all the Bible. Certainly one of the most quoted.

Maybe you've seen the fans at NFL games with their banners or their signs in the end zone. It says John 3:16, or maybe back when Tim Tebow played with the black under his eyes at a football game. Well, it could be the most important statement in the Bible. Here's what it says, "For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."

Those words are probably the most dramatic answer in the world to any questions about how God feels about us. "God loves the world so much that He gave." He proved it. He acted on it. His one and only Son; the most valuable gift He could give. Why? So we who deserved to die can live forever instead. You say, "What do you mean deserved to die?" Well, the Bible says, for example, in Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is death." That's what we'd be paid for running our own lives. That's what we deserve; the wages of running our own life. We've all built this wall between us and our Creator by taking our life into our own hands; hijacking our life. It's called sin.

Have you ever wondered why there's never been enough love? It's because of the sin wall. You can't get to the One who's got the love you were made for. There never seems to be a reason to live. Why? Because the One who knows why you're here is on the other side of the wall. If we die with that wall there, that wall is there forever. That's hell - eternal death - conscious separation and loneliness, away from a holy God forever and still enduring the pain because there are none of the sedatives we had on earth.

But God, the very One we have wronged, acted to get our death penalty paid for with the life of His own Son. Now, let's put your name in John 3:16. When I leave a blank, would you put your name there? "God loved ____ so much that He gave His one and only Son, that if ____ would believe in Him, then ____ will never die but will have eternal life."

See, it says in order to make what He died for yours, you have to believe in Him. That's not just agreeing with your mind. That's grabbing Jesus like a drowning person would grab a lifeguard. It's total trust. The gift of God's Son was all for you, but like any gift, you have to reach out and take it for it to be yours. Have you ever done that? This could be that day.

Something dramatic happens when you walk up to the cross of Jesus and say these two words, "For me. This is for me isn't it, Jesus. Some of those sins you died for are my sins." God's waiting right now to erase everything you've ever done from His book; to add your name to His Book of Life; the one He will check when your heart finally stops and you stand before Him.

But it all begins when you put your name in what Jesus did on the cross for you, and you make the Savior your Savior. If you've never done that, and you sense that knocking on the door of your heart, that's Jesus. I hope you'll go to our website. There you'll find the way to make sure you belong to Jesus Christ before this day ends. Tell Him right now, "I'm Yours, Jesus." The website is

When your name is in something, it's totally different. Today may be your day to realize that what Jesus did is not just generic, not just for the world. It was for you!



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