
Thursday, June 20, 2013

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The other night I saw one of the most adorable scenes I've seen in ages. I was coming out of a restaurant, and right ahead of me was a mother and a father. In between them was their little girl who was obviously a rookie at walking. She was just learning, and she had both hands extended upward. Mom had one hand and Dad had the other. She was dressed in this pretty little pink dress. She also had this cute, frilly little pink cap on. You can kind of picture it.

I came up behind them and I said, "Hey, she's thinking this is really a big deal isn't she folks? She's kind of going, 'I can walk! I can walk! Look at me!'" I walked past them and Dad at that point said to me, "Yeah, but she's got a problem." So, I looked back to see what he meant, and her little cap had fallen down over her forehead and was completely covering her eyes. So she's still walking, sort of staggering around, and her Dad spoke for her when he said, "I can walk, but I can't see!"

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "You Can Walk But You Can't See."

Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Galatians chapter 5. Verse 16 says, "Live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature." Verse 25: "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Now, here's the description of an exciting lifestyle. The Apostle Paul calls it "keeping in step with the Spirit." The old King James Version says "walking in the Spirit."

Now, you can walk without the Spirit's leading. Sure you can go through your day, make your choices, make your schedule, but there's a problem. Like that little girl, you can walk but you can't see. We make our plans. We make our schedule. We make our choices based on what looks best or what feels best, based on what we can see. We've got our cap over our eyes most of the time. We can't see the long-range consequences of the choice we're making today, but the Holy Spirit can.

We can't see what choice would fit best into God's plans for us, but the Spirit can. We can't see where the resources will come from or the people, but the Holy Spirit can. The Holy Spirit has been placed by God inside your personality to nudge you to the right place at the right time in today's schedule. So our job is to learn to recognize and respond to those inner Holy Spirit pushes and pulls and nudges.

How do you do it? Well, first you pray that God will sensitize you, "Lord, I want to be able to recognize those Holy Spirit nudges so I don't disregard them. I want to know when you're pushing me to do something." Then frequently ask the Lord through the day, "Spirit, what's the next step in this situation?" And then practice obeying those Spirit impulses: to make that phone call when He says to do it, to write that note, to go and just suddenly hug that family member, to drop everything for a person that He drops into your schedule, to open up to a certain passage of scripture.

The disciples had Jesus there and He said, "Follow me." And it was easy, because He was right there physically. Well, we can do it today because we have His Spirit inside saying, "Come this way." Don't just pray in the morning and then go run off for the day with your pre-set course and then check back at bedtime.

You need the security, the adventure of following the Spirit's leading all day long. After all, you can walk but you can't see.



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