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By Brad Hutchcraft

My children love the Polar Express. A lot of kids do! There's a book, the blockbuster movie, and trains across the country that transform into the Polar Express. All these have one shared motto. "Believe."

With that simple word, they've got one of the most important keys to Christmas. But it's important to get what...and who...we believe in right. This is actually about believing in the Person of Christmas. A baby who entered the world just like you and me. Who entered the world on a mission.

Now, we get joy for awhile, but we need joy that lasts! The key to finding the real joy of Christmas is to believe that this baby, Jesus, came for you and me. And He gave everything He had on the cross. So you could live. He gave us the greatest gift at the highest price, and all He asks is that you believe in Him and ask Him into your heart.

If you're ready to tell Jesus "I'm believing in You now, Jesus," text us at 888-NEED-HIM, or Because it's all about Jesus.

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By Brad Hutchcraft

My son always cracks up whenever he visits one of his uncles. Without fail, this uncle will call my youngest "Oscar." The only problem is that isn't his name. It's a running gag, but it brings laughs every time.

It's fun with family, but for anyone who has been called the wrong name, we know how important it can be to get the name right. All around us, we hear people calling the Son of God a whole bunch of different names. The problem is, way too many are getting it wrong.

Christmas is a good time to get who Jesus is right. In the Bible, Isaiah tells us that Jesus is 'Immanuel', God with us. In John 8:12, we learn that He is the "Light of the world." And straight from the Christmas story, we know Jesus Christ is our "Savior." He saved us by taking our punishment on the cross so we can live forever with Him. When you open the door to Him, Jesus will be your personal Savior.

Jesus' names all point to one thing - Hope. If you are ready for the hope only Jesus can bring, connect with us at 888-NEED-HIM or When Jesus comes, hope comes!

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By Ron Hutchcraft

Break out the bathrobes - time to dress Johnny up as a shepherd in the Christmas play!

Of course, shepherds really were an important part of that first Christmas. Of all the people God could have invited to be the first to see His Son come to earth, He picked shepherds.

But, then, the grown-up Jesus told us, "I am the Good Shepherd." And, man, do we need a shepherd! In our increasingly confusing, chaotic, dangerous world - we need the Shepherd Jesus to guide us, love us, keep us safe.

Because the Bible says we're like sheep. Lost sheep. It says, "All of us have wandered away (from God) like sheep" (Isaiah 53:6). Our sin has left us lost in this life - and forever lost in the next.

Except for the Shepherd who loves you too much to lose you. Jesus said, "I lay down my life for the sheep" (John 10:15). He's come looking for you today - to bring you home to God. If you want the love and security only He can give you, please contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or

He's the only safe place in a broken world.

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By Brad Hutchcraft

My children recently convinced me to try some one-of-a-kind bumper cars. See, you get strapped into a cage, and when you get hit, it's much more than a "bump" - you spin around and upside down until you don't know which end is up. Boy, was I ready to get off when the ride was over.

As I talk with friends this time of year, see people posting on social media, and even watch faces in the stores, it's clear a lot of people feel the same way about Christmas. While the songs are talking about joy and happiness, you may be feeling like I did on that ride - your life won't stop spinning, and it feels like another topsy turvy Christmas.

But Christmas doesn't have to be that way. Whether you're spinning from stress, disappointing medical news, or family drama, there's an answer. In the Bible, we are told that Jesus is the "Wonderful Counselor...the Prince of Peace." That's right - Jesus came as a baby, gave His life on the cross, and rose again so that you can have peace that lasts. Peace with God. And peace in your soul, knowing you're eternally safe.

If you've had enough of topsy-turvy living, connect with us at 888-NEED-HIM or Let the Prince of Peace calm the storm in your soul.

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By Ron Hutchcraft

There's this blue recliner in our living room. My wife's chair. Mom's chair. Grandma's chair. But she won't be there this Christmas. She was suddenly gone one day in May.

But with the hurt, there's something more powerful. The hope. The assurance that we'll be together again.

Because Jesus came to pay for the sin that would keep even the most wonderful among us out of heaven. As the Bible says, "All have sinned and fallen short of God's glorious ideal" (Romans 3:23).

But one day my precious wife recognized she needed Jesus as her Savior from her sin. She pinned all her hopes on Him - as I have. And He said, "Whoever believes in Me has eternal life" (John 3:36). Done. Settled.

This is Jesus, who conquered death. And promised, "Because I live, you will live also" (John 15:19). So I could say at a graveside, "See you later, baby." For sure!

I want you to know you belong to Him. That you're ready to live and ready to die. You can belong to Jesus today. Contact us at And be ready, whenever eternity comes.

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By Ron Hutchcraft

She spent the first year of her life in a cold orphanage in China. Until someone paid the price and came a long way to make her part of their family. Our family.

As we celebrated her first Christmas with us, I couldn't help but think of the One who came a very long way - who paid a very high price - to make me part of God's family.

Jesus. The Baby in the manger. The Savior on the cross. To carry all the judgment for all my sin. And yours. The Bible says, "He died for sinners to bring you safely home to God" (1 Peter 3:18).

I love this - Jesus said, "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you" (John 14:18). And He has come to you this Christmas. Because we really are orphans in this world away from our Father in heaven - because of our sin. But Jesus loves you so much, He gave His life to have you with Him forever.

If you want to belong to this Jesus, please contact us at Your heart can finally find home.

Hope in a Small Package

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By Ron Hutchcraft

Around this time of year, people all over are packing shoeboxes full of toys, school supplies, and other small gifts. Those things might not be what's on my children's Christmas list, but for the needy children all around the world who receive these, it's a big deal!

You see, for these children, these gifts represent love. Love that comes in a small package.

That's what the very first Christmas was all about - everything we need coming in the small package of a baby. This wasn't just any baby. We're talking about Jesus!

One of the most well known Bible verses - John 3:16 - reminds us that God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus. God loves you so much that He sent His Son to die on the cross. And He rose again...for you. Jesus wants you to experience the greatest gift - the love only He can give.

If you're ready to take the gift He died to give you, connect with us at 888-NEED-HIM or Nobody loves you like He does.

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By Ron Hutchcraft

Most people think about a name for their baby for months. Not my parents. They named me after Ronnie's Used Cars that they saw on the way to the hospital.

There's only one baby that God named. "You shall call His Name Jesus" - that's what the angel told His earthly parents. And that name meant something - "God rescues."

And that's why the baby came that first Christmas. Because you and I were facing an eternal death penalty for our sin. Our only hope - a rescue. From above. The baby in that manger would one day give His life on a cross. To pay what we could never pay with all the religion in the world. To rescue us.

The Bible says - "There is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). Our only hope of being forgiven...of heaven. Heaven's Rescuer - Jesus.

He's reaching His hand toward you right now - offering to do what He died to do. Save you. If you want to grab His hand to be your Rescuer, please contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or

Because nobody loves you like He does.

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By Brad Hutchcraft

If my wife could change one thing about Christmas it would probably be my ugly Christmas sweaters. They're tucked back in my closet and get pulled out each December. These are usually out of sight and I think my wife likes it that way.

Maybe you have something "ugly' - something secret - out of sight from most people. I'm not talking about a Christmas sweater, but that dark part of who you were or maybe still are. Depression, anger, wrong thoughts - things you don't like other people knowing about.

Christmas is all about someone who can help us deal with those secret things and find freedom. Beyond the manger stands the Cross, where Jesus died for you, so you can be free from pain, from hurt, free from hurt you've caused others.

In the Bible, God tells us that if Jesus sets us free, "we will be free indeed." If you're ready to be free from the ugly stuff, and you're ready for the peace and freedom only Jesus brings, text us at 888-NEED-HIM, or You can find lasting peace this Christmas!

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By Brad Hutchcraft

Recently I came across a gift I'd forgotten about. It's a gold number "76" that my mom gave me many years ago. That was the number I wore on our state championship football team, and my mom knew that was important to me.

I remember getting this gift the first time, but I was surprised by it again. Not because of the cost or even the football memories, but surprised by the love that went into the gift.

Christmas is a good time to be surprised again - by the One Who loves you most. Maybe you've heard a lot about Jesus growing up, or maybe you don't know what to think about Him. Whatever you've thought about Jesus before, this is a great time to take a new look.

In the book of John, Jesus reminds us that He is "the Light of the world," and that He has come so we can "have life." Because Jesus came into this world, died a horrible death on the cross, and walked out of His grave by His own power, you can have eternal life.

Wherever you're at with Jesus, draw close to Him and be surprised by the love you were made for. If you are ready for the love only Jesus can give you, connect with us at 888-NEED-HIM or With Jesus' love in your life, you can have your best Christmas yet.



Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

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