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There's a reason "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" has become a permanent part of our holidays. We love looking out on a new fallen snow. I'm not alone in wanting to get out in it, I know that!

That renewing coat of white covers up the dirt, the junk and - at least for a while - makes the world feel all new and clean.

I think that's a picture of a human soul - when the Christ of Christmas becomes your personal Savior. And takes away the dirty inside and makes everything clean.

God's invitation is life-changing: He says in the Bible, "'Let's settle this...Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them white as snow'" (Isaiah 1:18). Jesus came to a manger to ultimately die on a cross - to pay for the sin that cuts us off from God - now and forever.

But when you accept His invitation and you make personal His forgiving work on that cross, you experience the wonderful joy of being forgiven. And clean.

That's the relationship we'd love to help you begin. If you'll call us at 888-NEED-HIM or chat with us at

And go to sleep tonight clean inside!

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When our kids were growing up, they faithfully let us know what they wanted for Christmas. Sometime in September, I think. Now they make sure we all know what their kids want!

That first Christmas, God made very clear what His wish is. In the words of the Bible, "The Lord is not wanting anyone to perish" (2 Peter 3:9). And that's why Christmas. That's why Jesus. Here's how the Bible explains the cosmic meaning of that manger: "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

In Bethlehem, God launched His rescue mission to save you from the death penalty for your sin. At the cross, God's Son paid that price.

And the Rescuer is reaching for you. Right now. Right where you are. If you're ready to grab His hand, I hope you'll call us at 888-Need-Him. God gave the best He had to bring you home.

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I ran into our local newspaper editor at the Christmas parade, and he told me about an exclusive story they were working on. Knowing a little bit about journalist-think, I said, "Hey, it's all about the story, isn't it? Especially when it comes to Christmas, huh?"

And it really is an amazing story. First, the stable - where the God who made the galaxies comes to us as one of us. And then that cross - where the Baby of Bethlehem becomes the sacrifice to pay my death penalty for my sin. And that earth-shaking third chapter - the grave. The empty grave. Where Jesus blew death away, proving that only He can give you eternal life.

The next chapter is waiting to be written by you. As you decide what you will do with the Man who died for you. Give yourself to Him or ignore His death for you. Which will decide the ending of the story? Heaven or hell.

If you want to get this settled this Christmas season, would you call us at 888-Need-Him? And your story will never be the same.

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In just a few weeks before Christmas last year, my wife and I had ten friends die. Clouds over Christmas. Especially for the families of those who were gone. Grief and sadness mixed with "joy to the world."

Still, the angels said that first Christmas there was "good news of great joy" (Luke 2:10) - even for those walking through "the valley of the shadow of death" (Psalm 23:4). Maybe especially for them. See, the prophecy of Jesus' birth said, "The rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those the shadow of death" (Luke 1:78-79).

Jesus has shone a bright light on that dark tunnel we call death. He went there Himself to die for our sins. To open the way to heaven. To shatter death's power. He's waiting to bring that light and that life to you, this Christmas.

If you want this Jesus, call us at 888-Need-Him. Then even in the valley of the shadow you can say, "I will fear no evil. For You are with me."

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It wasn't really on my Christmas "to do" list. City Boy running around in the cold for hours, looking for a lost sheep. Our friend had just bought this lamb to give to his grandchildren - but it escaped. We felt terrible that the lost sheep never made it home.

Well, that's a feeling Jesus knows all too well. Because that first Christmas, God's Son came to earth to bring us lost sheep home to God. He said He came "to seek and to save what was lost" (Luke 19:10). And that's what He's doing right now. He's seeking you. To save you.

See, we're lost because we've wandered away from our Creator to go our own way. And bringing us back wasn't easy. Jesus said, "I lay down My life for the sheep" (John 10:15). On a cross. Absorbing all the guilt and all the hell that you and I deserve.

That is how much He loves you.

This can be the day His lost sheep comes home. If you want to belong to Him, tell Him that. And call us at 888-Need-Him. He's come a long way to find you.

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Our granddaughter was only a year old when she revealed that she was going to be our manger arranger. Well, it was pretty moving the first time Mommy saw how her little daughter had rearranged the figures in their manger scene. Everyone - humans, animals - was facing Jesus. And it's been that way every Christmas since.

Now, our granddaughter's onto something. See, every one of us was made to face Jesus. The Bible says we were "created by Him and for Him" (Colossians 1:16). But the Bible also says we've chosen to go the opposite direction - "Each one has turned to His own way" (Isaiah 53:6). It's called sin. Created for Him, living for me. That's why we're lonely, and empty and wondering why we're here. And why we have no chance of heaven.

Except for what Jesus did. When He paid for our sin on the cross. He's alive today, waiting to welcome you into His love. And if you're ready to have Him forgive every sin, would you call us at 888-Need-Him? Because one day you will face Jesus - as your Savior or your Judge.

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As our kids were growing up, there was always sort of an official start to our family Christmas. When we went out on our annual expedition to find and bring home the Christmas tree. Pushing the holiday "start" button was all about the tree.

You know, in a sense, God feels that way. Because to Him, Christmas is truly all about the tree. Not a Christmas tree. But the one on Skull Hill, 33 years later. Where His Son completed the mission for which He came on Christmas. To give His life to pay for the very sins we've done against Him.

The Bible says, "He carried our sins in His own body on the tree" (1 Peter 2:24). The wall between you and God comes down when you tell Jesus you're pinning all your hopes on what He did on the cross for you.

Now, if you've never done that - and you want to - would you call us at 888-NEED-HIM or you can chat with us live at

This could be the day, to open your heart to the one love that will never let you go!

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I was four, and it was my first picture on Santa's lap. I'm stone-faced, leaning as far as away as I can get. It was crazy - I was scared to get close to the one who just wanted to give me something.

You know, it's easy to make that mistake - with God. Maybe things have happened to you that have made it hard for you to trust anyone. Including the One who loves you the most. Your Creator. You've been leaning away from Him...and your "my way" choices have put distance between you and your God...and all He wants to do is give you His love, His forgiveness, His heaven.

Here's what the Bible says God did for you that first Christmas - "He did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all" (Romans 8:32). God sent Jesus to die for you. And anyone who loves you enough to die for you will never do you wrong.

If you're ready to experience this love that you've been missing so long, we're waiting to help you begin this relationship at 888-NEED-HIM or you can chat with us live at

This can be your first Christmas with Christ in your heart!

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It was always an uphill battle to get two sons to clean their room. But one day a year, their room was amazing. The day before Christmas. They knew the rule. "There won't be any gifts until this room is clean." That might be what God is saying to some of us this Christmas season. "I've got so much I want to give you - but I can't until things are cleaned up."

See, God is a holy God and He can't bless us as long as we fail to deal with the wrong things we've done. Ultimately, He can't give us His greatest gift - heaven with Him forever.

But on Christmas, Jesus came here to pay the price for us to be forgiven. The Bible says, "The gift of God is eternal life" (Romans 6:23). Now, you can't earn that gift with all your religion or good deeds. Because they can't erase your sin, they can't make you clean. Only Jesus - the One who died for your sin - can do that.

And the gift isn't yours until you take it. And today, by faith, you can receive this greatest gift there is.

We'd love to help you do that if you'll call us at 888-NEED-HIM or chat with us at He has so much to give you - when you're clean.

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It's so dark on some Indian reservations at Christmas. I've driven across them and seldom - if ever - seen any Christmas lights.

Maybe that's because for so long so many have thought Jesus wasn't for them. Their history has convinced them Jesus is "the white man's God." But Jesus was a brown-skinned Mediterranean Jew...from a tribe... living on land others had taken over. He was poor, He was from a village, He died a violent death - like the reservation.

But Native Americans aren't alone. Many folks reject Jesus because of wrong ideas about Him. He's not Christianity the religion - or Christians, His imperfect followers. He's heaven's Rescuer who, the Bible says, "gave Himself for our sins to rescue us" (Galatians 1:3), who loves you more than anyone ever could.

It's Jesus you're deciding about. Who's waiting for you to reach for His outstretched hand.

We'd love to talk with you about belonging to Him - if you'll call us at 888-NEED-HIM or chat with us at - Because you really do need Him.



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