
Your Relationships

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

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Special people tend to get special treatment. Did you ever notice that? For example, look at what we serve for dinner when the boss is coming over or some out of town friends. It's kind of interesting when special people come and your kids look at you and say, "Mommy, I like it when guests come." And then you find out the reason why. "We never have this when they're not here." They finally get something other than hotdogs and hamburgers. It's amazing when somebody special is coming. We clean house, we cook new things, we put on our best manners. The problem is we often forget who the most special people on earth are—well according to Jesus, that is. And how you treat them is a revealing measure of how much you think like your master.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

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If you live in snow country, there are few words more frightening than the word "avalanche." And there's no place where that is a greater concern than in Alaska. Oh, its got majestic mountains; it's got massive snow accumulations. And so, they've actually been creating avalanches there on purpose. You say, "Wait! Avalanches on purpose?" Yeah. Yeah, they actually fire avalanche cannons that bring down accumulations of snow that might otherwise trigger a larger avalanche or come down at a time when people would be jeopardized. Now, at first, it sounds kind of strange to cause an avalanche to control an avalanche. But it works with snow, oh, and it works with relationships.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

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If you're in the manufacturing business and you plan to stay in it, there is an important function you must not neglect. They call it quality control. You know that someone needs to be checking what's coming up that assembly line to see what kind of finished product you're getting, not just how many you're getting. Imagine if there was a machine that turned out four broken items out of every ten that it produced. Would you say that machine needs some work, or maybe you need a whole new machine? Well, actually there is such a machine, and we just keep it cranking and it keeps losing four out of ten.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

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It all depended on the levees. So many Americans have been watching record high flood waters rising all around them this past spring, and desperately hoping that the wall between them and all that water was high enough to hold it back.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

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A long time ago my friend, Art, got stopped for speeding, although he was a little baffled when the police officer didn't get out of his car for a couple of moments. So, he thought, "Well, I'll be obliging." Art got out of his car. Oh boy! Immediately he heard the policeman yelling at him, "Get in that car and stay there, and don't move!" as the policeman reached for his gun. Poor Art! I mean, the poor guy was only doing 37 in the 30. That's not really that bad an offense most of the time.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

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The five members of the Hutchcraft family have the same last name, of course, you know except for our married daughter, but that's pretty much where the sameness ends. And I think it's good we're different.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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Class reunions are always enlightening, and one thing is obvious after 20 years - people change. Yeah! Oh, people remember me as being 210 pounds at about 5'9". I was like the Goodyear blimp then. And they freeze me in their minds as being the fat guy, you know? I'm sort of a fat memory in their mind. Well, I'm happy to say that I don't weight nearly that and I haven't been that heavy for a long time, and so, you know you go to the reunion and they're surprised to find 50 pounds less of you. I'm delighted that they do.

Friday, March 25, 2011

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You know it's tough the first time your child goes to camp...I mean for the parent. The kids probably have a ball; it's just tough for the parents. It all comes together when you have to sign that permission slip, and then a medical release, and then insurance forms. You start to think of all the things that could go wrong - the bad things that could happen.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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My friend was telling me about the investment he bailed out of just before it really took off. He said, "I have a habit of doing that." I said, "Why?" He said, "Well, it kind of runs in the family." And then he told me an unforgettable story. He said, "My dad was approached by the founders of ServiceMaster, which is this of course, huge multi-million dollar corporation in America. And they were neighbors, and they came to him when they were just starting and they said, 'Hey, would you like to get in on the ground floor and help us get started?' He said, 'Well, guys, why don't you just go clean your carpets, um, no thanks.'"

Monday, March 21, 2011

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The key to environmental comfort at our house is a little dial on the wall in the hall. It's most often visited when someone is cold at our house. They will announce, "I'm cold!" And then they'll head for the thermostat. Of course they turn it up. So, if it's say 65 degrees in the house, maybe they push it up to 70 - what happens? Well, actually nothing for a while. But 45 minutes later, the adjustment starts to take effect, and the temperature starts moving toward 70. Now, you could just get impatient waiting and say, "Hey! I turned it up and nothing's happening." So, you could push it up to 75, 85, 90 degrees. It won't make it any warmer any sooner. You just have to set it like you want it and wait patiently.



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