Rudderless - #5840
Friday, May 29, 2009
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Our friends Roy and Judy have been married for almost 30 years. But there are two words that took a beating early in their marriage and they still get a rise out of Judy to this day. The words "trust me." You know there's a story here. Years ago, Roy decided to try his hand on sailing one of those little Sunfish type sailboats. He wanted Judy to go with him. Her back was really bothering her, but he assured her that he knew what he was doing. "Trust me," he said. One problem: as they sailed away, the rudder kept coming off. That's rudder, as in what steers the boat. Well, Judy was extremely unhappy when rudderlessness ultimately led them to capsizing; a boat with a ten-foot mast stuck upside down in six feet of water. So much for "trust me."