
By Ron Hutchcraft

Poor Jake. In our college's big Christmas concert, he was the angel announcing Jesus' birth to the shepherds. Unfortunately, he fell off his platform and onto the shepherds - just as he was delivering heaven's message - "Fear n-o-o-o-ot!"

Thank God, that is still heaven's message today. "Fear not." Because, honestly, the world seems pretty scary this Christmas. There are dark storm clouds all over the world, the news, our families, our futures. And a lot of uncertainty.

But heaven's message is still, "Do not be afraid." The angel said it was because "a Savior has been born to you" (Luke 2:11). Savior. The all-powerful Son of God has come here to rescue us from the guilt and death penalty of our sin. His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead make possible a personal relationship with the God who rules it all.

That personal relationship with Him could begin for you today. If you want that, contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or Whatever you're afraid of, He is Lord of!

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