
By Ron Hutchcraft

It was right after my wife's emergency open heart surgery, just days before Christmas. There were tubes everywhere and no trace of Christmas in that room. Until I got a tiny ceramic manger to put on her tray table: Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, and one little word just under the star - HOPE. Pretty appropriate, because hope is why Jesus came, to give us what we could never have any other way. The hope of having every sin forgiven, of knowing you have a love you'll never lose, and heaven on the other side.

But that hope came at an unthinkable cost. God's Son dying on a cross paying for our every sin, but then rising from the dead to give us life. The Bible says, "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure."

My wife recovered from that surgery, but one May day she was suddenly gone, and my heart was broken. But the hope held firm. It's a hope you could have this Christmas. Just contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or

When Jesus comes, hope begins.

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