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By Ron Hutchcraft

From the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree to the tree in our living room, it's like the celebration begins when the lights go on! Not just on a tree but in a life.

Jesus put it this way, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). Our world; our life has been darkened by something God calls sin. Running our lives our way instead of God's way.

The result: a world and lives where it's all about "me," where we keep hurting people we love. A world of anger and distrust along with plenty of guilt and shame. Pretty dark. But the Bible says that when Jesus was born "the true light" was coming into the world to take all that darkness to a cross where He died to save us from our sin (John 1:9).

And that's when the lights go on, which they can for you this Christmas. We're here to help you get started with Him. Just contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or It's been dark long enough.