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By Lisa Hutchcraft Whitmer

In my family's Christmas Nativities, we are always missing someone. A wise man or shepherd, sometimes even Mary or Joseph!

I'm Lisa Hutchcraft Whitmer, and one year it hit me that what was really missing was... me.

Now, I'm all about Christmas. Like you, I have a list of shopping, baking, decorating, wrapping, traveling, cooking, eating, working. I can hardly say it all, and we can hardly do it all.

While checking off our list, a baby beckons us to His cradle in a stable. He has made you and me, and loves us. Hates the junk in our life, so He chose to die to get rid of it. All so we can have a relationship with Him.

Want to be in the Nativity this Christmas, and choose a relationship with Jesus? Contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or